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What Is a Fire Strategy London and Why Is It Necessary?

Fire strategy London is a comprehensive assessment of your building or property which looks at its structural integrity, means of escape and management arrangements. It is an important document required by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order and provides information on fire safety matters including the layout, statutory requirements and any other fire safety features or measures which are included within your premises or building.

It is crucial to have a professional carry out the assessment Fire strategy London as incorrect or insufficient information could result in loss of life and/or costly damages. Fire safety is paramount, and any changes or renovations to your building/property must not jeopardize its fire resistance and/or the fire safety measures that have been installed.

Kieran has over 15 years’ experience as a fire engineer and is a qualified member of the Institution of Fire Engineers. He has a strong passion for ensuring that the latest fire engineering principles are applied to every project and has witnessed first hand the devastating impact of buildings which have been poorly designed. He is able to offer clients innovative, pragmatic solutions for complex buildings which may not be in compliance with current regulations.

The London Plan, and the new measures introduced in England following the Hackitt Review, requires that all major developments should be accompanied by a planning fire safety statement. This is a requirement at the planning application stage and should be submitted by a suitably qualified third party.

A fire statement aims to demonstrate that all relevant fire safety considerations are taken into account and that the proposed development meets the high standards set out in the Mayor’s detailed London Plan policies. It will consider the site layout and the location of water supplies for fire fighting, as well as a range of technical complexities in the proposed development.

The fire safety assessment is typically carried out by a specialist fire consultant and takes into account all of the statutory requirements outlined in Approved Document B, along with any other fire safety measures which have been installed at the premises or building. It also considers the internal layout and structure of the building, any occupants with disabilities and the location of emergency refuge facilities.

It is also required to look at any fire services equipment and facilities which are required in order for the fire service to operate effectively. The fire strategy should then be drafted and submitted to the local authority for approval.

We can provide a Fire Safety Assessment for your property or building at an affordable price, contact us to find out more. We are specialists in delivering pre-eminent fire engineering expertise to protect people and assets. Our fire risk assessments are thorough and detailed, and we will ensure that your building is compliant with all applicable fire safety legislation. We also provide expert witness services if required. Our clients include local authorities, housing associations and private businesses. We are committed to providing a high-quality service and will work with you to deliver your requirements on time and within budget.

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