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North Carolina Land Selling Experts at Your Service

North Carolina land selling experts at your service

We offer a wide variety of services that can help you with all aspects of buying and selling property, including real estate brokerage, real estate appraisals, forestry, farm management, land investment consulting, and agribusiness. This unique synergy enables us to provide a complete and well-rounded approach for the purchase or sale of real estate and land.

Whether you are building on your property North Carolina land selling experts at your service or simply planning for the future, a thorough and accurate Scalice boundary survey can make all the difference when it comes to making a sound decision about new construction. When you have a survey that clearly defines your lot’s boundaries, there is less opportunity for error in building placements and utility placements.

Licensed in both NC and SC, Forde works with clients looking to buy and sell investments, recreational, and residential land, and high density in-fill development sites. He resides near Uptown Charlotte with his wife and three boys.


Nearby realtors spend significant time in trading properties in unambiguous regions. Search for specialists with experience in North Carolina land exchanges.
Land Specialists:

Agents can help with associating purchasers and dealers. They frequently have an organization of possible purchasers and can assist with dealings.
Land Sale Organizations:

Sales can be a compelling method for selling land. There are organizations that spend significant time in land closeouts, and they can assist you with promoting the property to a wide crowd.
Land Lawyers:

Legitimate experts can guarantee that all the essential desk work is all together and assist with any lawful parts of the exchange.

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